Pre Marriage Counselling

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Premarital counseling is a type of pair therapy that can assist you and your spouse in preparing for marriage. It is designed to assist you and your partner address a variety of key matters, including finances and children, so that you are both on the same page. It can also assist in identifying possible conflict areas and providing you and your spouse with strategies to properly manage them. Premarital counseling seeks to assist you in laying a solid foundation for marriage.

You and your partner may be evaluated individually and jointly in the early phases of premarital therapy. During the session, you will be encouraged to relate life experiences and events that can shed light on your relationship expectations and motivations.

During premarital counseling, the following subjects are covered:

  • Finances
  • Communication
  • Values And Beliefs
  • Marriage Roles
  • Affection And Sexual Attraction
  • Relationships Between Parents And Their Children
  • Making A Decision Dealing With Anger
  • Spending Time Together


The first stage in premarital counseling is to educate the would-be bride and groom on the importance of marriage. Such counseling assists individuals in developing the mentality of modifying themselves and adjusting to their partners spaces.