Prenatal Diagnosis

Infertility Counselling in Surat

Bliss IVFs fetal diagnosis specialists use cutting-edge technology to deliver a reliable prenatal diagnosis of birth abnormalities. Each patient benefits from multidisciplinary teamwork to create a tailored treatment plan that includes high-risk pregnancy care, fetal treatment when necessary, delivery planning, and postnatal treatment for your kid.

Prenatal testing might include blood tests, imaging examinations, chromosome analysis, and another genetic testing to examine both your health and the health of the baby. Additional thorough tests may be performed during your consultation with our professionals to ensure a complete assessment of your pregnancy.

Prenatal diagnosis is useful for:

  1. Managing the pregnancys last weeks
  2. determining the pregnancys outcome
  3. Making preparations for any issues that may arise throughout the birthing process
  4. Making preparations for potential difficulties that may arise in the newborn infant
  5. Choosing whether or not to carry the pregnancy to term
  6. Identifying illnesses that may have an impact on future pregnancies

Prenatal diagnosis can be done using a range of non-invasive and invasive procedures. The following are some of the procedures used in prenatal diagnosis:

  1. Ultrasonography
  2. Amniocentesis
  3. Chorionic villus sampling
  4. Fetal blood cells in maternal blood
  5. Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
  6. Maternal serum beta-HCG
  7. Maternal serum unconjugated estriol
  8. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A