Semen Freezing

Semen Freezing

Sperm banking or freezing, also known as sperm freezing, is the process of preserving sperm cells. Sperm can be preserved and stored in sperm banks using a unique chemical protectant.

It is possible to preserve Sperms in liquid nitrogen at -196°C for many years and use them whenever required. Donor sperm can also be collected and stored by sperm banks. You may be able to use your sperm for treatment in the future if you store it. Frozen sperm can thus be used in IVF and IUI in the future.

In cryopreservation, tissues, cells, or organs are stored at extremely low temperatures to preserve their viability. These cells or tissues can be regenerated and reused by thawing under suitable conditions. The most common assisted reproductive technologies involve freezing sperms, eggs, or embryos.

A couple should speak with an infertility specialist about sperm cryopreservation and its effects prior to freezing their sperm. Sperm cryopreservation is performed at government-approved sperm banks by skilled IVF specialists and andrologists who are well-equipped with specialized freezing and storing equipment.

In Bliss IVF clinic, two kinds of freezing are currently used: gradual freezing and vitrification (ultra-rapid freezing)

Vitrification is the transformation of a liquid into a solid without the development of crystals. This is accomplished by incorporating a cryoprotectant. Because frozen embryos can be extremely damaged by ice crystals, this is crucial.

Sperm freezing is useful when:

  1. You may experience fertility issues if you suffer from any medical issues or are undergoing medical treatment for any.
  2. Having a vasectomy
  3. Having a low sperm count or poor sperm quality
  4. Having trouble giving a sample during your fertility treatment
  5. Being in immediate danger
  6. You're at risk of injury or death