Reproductive Surgeries In Male & Female

Reproductive Surgeries In Male & Female

The Bliss IVF clinic in Surat offers the best reproductive surgical procedures for both men and women. The condition in certain men can be identified by collecting history and performing an examination in any part of the reproductive system, including the scrotum, testicles, epididymis, or ejaculatory ducts. A parent may find it difficult to become a parent if any of the above factors apply.

The use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) has grown, while procedures on the fallopian tubes and ovaries have declined. Nonetheless, there are a variety of situations in which reproductive surgery can help.

Bliss IVF specialists perform surgeries on female reproductive organs and treat conditions causing infertility, such as endometriosis, pelvic adhesions, tubal occlusions, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, and uterine or uterine abnormalities. Male reproductive procedures are performed by our urologists who specialize in male infertility.

Our surgical male infertility treatment in Surat:

  1. Men with Azoospermia are evaluated.
  2. If the epididymis is blocked, it is possible to retrieve sperm surgically with the MESA/PESA procedures. Using this method, sperms are obtained that are used in standard ICSI procedures.
  3. For surgical sperm retrieval, TESA/TESE procedures are used, and the obtained sperms are then used for ICSI treatment.
  4. Varicose vein treatment
  5. An obstruction of Vas Deferens can result in a hernia or other complications

We diagnose and treat problems with female reproductive organs. Endometriosis, chocolate cysts, uterine abnormalities, scar tissue, fibroids, polyps, and other tubal issues are examples of these abnormalities.

Treatment can be planned under the supervision of specialist gynecologists after a comprehensive evaluation of the female spouse. Tubal obstruction, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and scarring from a pelvic provocative illness can be treated by fertility and reproductive surgery.